Water & Sanitary

This guideline published by the High-Rise and Public Building Projects Committee, provides detailed guidelines for water supply, sanitation, and related infrastructure in high-rise and public buildings. It emphasizes design, maintenance, and operational standards to ensure safety, efficiency, and compliance with national and international standards.

Contents Overview:

  1. Professional Engineer Requirements

All designs must be endorsed by a qualified Professional Engineer registered with the Myanmar Engineer Council.

  1. Site Inspection

Guidelines for preliminary surveys, quality control, safety provisions, and layout design.

  1. Geotechnical Investigations

Soil analysis and percolation tests for reservoirs and wastewater treatment plants.

  1. Cold and Hot Water Supply

Standards for water demand estimation, distribution systems, and storage tanks. Recommendations for materials and specifications for water piping.

  1. Sanitation

Guidelines for wastewater treatment, disposal, and collection systems, including specifications for soil, waste, and vent pipes.

  1. Refuse Collection and Disposal

Design and operational standards for waste disposal systems, including chute and bin center requirements.

  1. Design Concepts and Calculations

Detailed calculations for water and sanitation systems, including rainwater runoff and wastewater treatment capacities.

  1. Water, Sanitation, and Plumbing Drawings

Requirements for detailed design reports, drawings, and symbols for submission.

  1. Operation and Maintenance

Instructions for proper system operation, maintenance, and training for facility staff.


  1. Water Supply Requirements

Tables for estimating water demands for different building types and purposes.

  1. Population Equivalent

Guidelines for calculating population-based water and sanitation needs.

  1. Symbols and Abbreviations

Standardized symbols for technical documentation.

  1. Color Scheme

Recommended colors for painting various pipe systems.

This guideline ensures the implementation of robust, sustainable, and safe water supply and sanitation systems in compliance with local and international standards.