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March 12, 2025

About Us

History of HPBC

The Committee for Quality Control of High-Rise Building Construction Projects (CQHP) was initially formed by the State Law and Order Restoration Council of Myanmar on 11th August 2003. The Chairman was Prof Dr. U Nyi Hla Nge and the Secretary was Engr. U Than Myint. There were nine members in CQHP. Member consisted of one Architect and eight Structural Engineers.
Then, the committee was reformed first time on 16th June 2004 with previous nine members and furthermore one Mechanical Engineer, one Geotechnical Engineer, two Water and Sanitation Engineers and one Electrical Engineer. One of the members passed away and three members resigned, so it was reformed again on 1st March 2007. At that time, CQHP had ten members; the
Chairman was Engr. U Than Myint and the Secretary was Engr. U Myint Thein. Another changes took place on 5th January 2015 with twenty-seven members; ten Structural Engineers, one Geotechnical Engineer, three Architects, two Architects (Heritage), one Mechanical Engineer, two ACMV Engineers, four Water & Sanitation Engineers and four Electrical Engineers. The hairman and Secretary were notchanged. In 2016, one of the members resigned, so CQHP was reformed again on 3rd February 2016 with twenty-eight members; nine Structural Engineers, two Geotechnical Engineers, three Architects, two Architects (Heritage), one Mechanical Engineer, two ACMV Engineers, four Water & Sanitation Engineers and four Electrical Engineers. The  hairman was Engr. U Khin Maung Tint, the Vice Chairmen were Engr. U Salai Myo Myint and Engr. U Khin Maung Oo, and the Secretary (1) was Engr. U Myint Thein and the Secretary (2) was  ngr. Daw Than Than Nwe. The CQHP was restructured on 2nd August 2019 with thirty-three members; five Structural Engineers, three Construction Engineers, one Geotechnical Engineer, three  rchitects, one Mechanical Engineers, one ACMV Engineer, three Water & Sanitation Engineers, one Electrical Engineer and fifteen Engineers from respective Departments assigned by the Union  overnment. Prof Dr. Aung Kyaw Myat became as the Chairman and Dr. Toe Toe Win as the Secretary. In 2019 October, Engr. Daw Mya Win and Engr. U Aye Win were appointed as Secretary and  oint Secretary respectively according to the vacancy in Secretary Post. In 2019 November, CQHP was renamed as High-Rise and Public Building Projects Committee (HPBC). The first manual of PBC was published in January 2020. Altogether thirty-six staffs are fully engaged in the various activities of HPBC in the year 2022.

In 2023 September, the High-Rise and Public Building Projects Committee was constituted with twenty-seven members; two Structural Engineers, three Construction Engineers, one Geotechnical  ngineer, two Architects, two Mechanical Engineers, one ACMV Engineer, one Water Supply & Sanitation Engineer, one Electrical Engineer and fourteen Engineers from respective  epartment assigned by the Union Government. Engineer U Thein Zaw became as the Chairman and Vice Chair Man is U Myint Thein. Engineer Daw Mya Mya Win is appointed as Secretary post.  ltogether thirty-four staffs are fully engaged in the various activities of HPBC in the year 2024.

Vision and Mission

Vision of HPBC

• To safeguard the lives and properties of the people and public infrastructures in Myanmar.
• To enhance the progress of Construction Industry Development (CID) in promoting the national economy of Myanmar.

Mission of HPBC

• To lay down the guidelines and code of practices for the high-rise and public building projects in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
• To specify guidelines for the quality control of the high–rise and public building projects that are bound to be observed by Architects, Structural Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers, M&E Engineers, Project Superintendents and Site Engineers.
• To access the design calculations such as; Architectural, Structural, Geotechnical, Mechanical and Electrical Appliances, Water Supply and Sanitation Works etc., of the proposed projects  ensuring that these calculations strictly follow the guidelines and code of practices of HPBC.
• To pay visit to the construction sites and check whether they are implemented in accordance with design specifications and standards, HPBC’s guidelines or not and give necessary advices on quality control and safety.
• To cooperate with all other relevant departments and organizations to achieve high ranking Construction Industry Development in Myanmar.