Registration Number (HPBC) 184
Design Checking Duration
Under Constructed Duration
Developer Mottama Holdings Co.,Ltd
Storey 1B + 20
Building Type Residential
Address No.9, Kyitewine Pagoda Road, (3) Quarter, Mayangone Township.
Project Status

Design Status

Project Status
Architecture 1. Sent Architectural Drawing from company.
2. Not Presented yet.
3. Remind to submit final Architectural
drawings. (8.1.18)
Structure 1. Y.C.D.C letter for All (22.9.2015)
2. Do not Submit Structure Documents.
3. Remind to submit Documents and models (31.3.2016)
4. Recommended for UPLT (5.5.2016)
5. Remind 2nd times to submit WLT
Electrical 1. Not submitted yet.
ACMV 1. Not submitted yet.
Water and Sanitation 1. Not submitted yet.