Junction Square

RN: 120 Address: No (37-G), Kyuntaw Road, Kamaryut Township.
Year: 2013 Storey: 1B + (19 Storeyed & 22 Storeyed)
Company: Shwe Taung Development Co.,Ltd. Building Type: Commercia
Category: Status: Finished
Design Status:
Project Status
Architecture 1. Recommended for old design.
( 27.1.2015)
2. Presentaion for revised design. (29.6.2017)
3. Sent documents and Architectural drawings to YCDC. (30.1017)
Structure 1. Recommended for old design . ( 27.1.2015)
2. Presentaion for revised design. (29.6.2017)
2. Comments (17.7.2017, 20.7.2017).
3. Final submission (26.9.2017).
4. Recommended for revised structural design.(30.10.17)
Electrical 1. Recommended for old design.
2. Recommended for revised design.
ACMV 1. Recommended for old design.
2. Recommended for revised design.
Water and Sanitation 1. Recommended for old design.( 27.1.2015)
2. Revised documents were submitted on(2.7.2018).
3. Recommended for revised design on (9.7.18)
4. Company submit letter to recheck design on (9.8.18).
5. Discuss with company on (13.8.18).
6. Submit 3 Sets of revised documents and discuss with company about revised design on (10.9.18).
7. Waiting for company’s reply.