KBZ Jasmine(7 miles)

RN: 210 Address: No(29), Pyay Road,corner of Tharlar Wadi Str &U Kyaw Hla Str.7 Mile.
Year: - Storey: 1B + 21
Company: Jasmine Palace Construction Building Type: -
Category: Status: -
Design Status:
Project Status
Architecture 1. Recommended for Architecture. (16.10.2017)
Structure 1. Recommended for PLTs (6.2.2017)
2. Recommended for Foundation (3.8.2017)
3. Recommended for Superstructure. (16.10.2017)
4. Remind Revised design for Deep Excavation from CQHP (8.5.2018)
5. Revised Design submitted from company (14.6.2018).
6. Comment for Revised DE design by CQHP(25.6.2018)
7. Recommended for DE Revised by CQHP (3.8.2018).
8. Send book for DE revised (13.8.2018)
9. Send letter to submit the revised design and drawing which match with construction drawings(13.5.2019).
10.Submit revised drawing from company(29.5.2019).
11.Presentation for revised design by designer(3.6.2019)
Electrical 1. Recommended on (4.12.17).
ACMV 1. Recommended on (4.12.17).
Water and Sanitation 1. Recommended on (21.9.2017).