Nar Nat Taw Condo

RN: 209 Address: No(1-k), Narnattaw Str,Kamaryut.
Year: - Storey: 2B + 2 nos. of 26 Storeyed
Company: Ayear Apex Co.,Ltd. Building Type:
Category: Status: -
Design Status:
Project Status
Architecture 1. Presented Conceptual Architectural Presentation for Pile Load Test.
2. Presented final Architectural Presentation. (29.10.18)
3. Sent Comment to company. (5.11.18)
Structure 1. ULT Recommended. (6.7.17)
2. WLT Recommended. (13.3.17)
3. Piling Recommended. (3.7.17)
4. Sent DE comment. (22.12.17)
5. DE comment reply. (9.1.18)
6. Sent comment for DE.
7. Presented final structural Presentation. (29.10.18)
8. Sent Comment to company. (6.11.18)
9. DE Recommended. (26.12.2018)
Electrical 1. Company submit reasons for the delay (14.1.2019).
2. Not yet submitted by developer.
ACMV 1. Company submit reasons for the delay (14.1.2019).
2. Not yet submitted by developer.
Water and Sanitation 1. Company submit reasons for the delay (14.1.2019).
2. Not yet submitted by developer.